Hello everyone, today i’m gonna show you something about explosive trending in the future. That’s Metaverser, so what’s is the Metaverser, and why do i said it’s gonna be a trending in a next few years . Basicly at the currenttly when people , almost them who are interested in the cryptocurrency that’s the top trend at the moment, and Metaverser is also one of the platform on crypto trend.

What is the Metaverse ?
Is’t can be call as a virtual universe, a digital universe that combines social media, games online, augmented reality (AR), virtual cells (VR), the Internet. The element allows user who own metaverse can use magic technology to interact together.
Applycation of Metaverse ?
In virtual world, the family and friends could be connect together, and it’s one of the most important key in this virtual world, where every people have a power to control of their own world, exp:( people can hangout with their friend, say something funny about the type of person you are interest with, drink coffee at a digital coffee bar, do something what ever you like.
E-commerce in Metaverse, in Metaverser world, you can trade or exchange a experience actual products.
Game world: every people , people all of ages are love multiple online games, can be real game role-playing, example ( Esports game are welcomed and participated by many people).
Explore the new world: there are so many people who are really interested in travel, visit some beatiful new place, try to eat traditional at that new place, but the time is a reason that would be hard . And Metaverse will make their dream will be come a true. Major players in the industry are working together to create virtual locations in the Metaverse, simulating real tourist attraction. Without afford, but people can be able to sit in one palce and explore the places they want to visit.

Interacting with art: by NFT tech (Non-Fungible Token) , that many people can admire works of art that haven’t been seen it before, they view artwork by using technology and can choose to try create one or more of them theeeemselves. Certain art forms become mỏe accessible with metaverse’s help. As any one with an connecting internet can try somt
Metaverse Platforms to Play in 2022
(reference from https://www.business2community.com/cryptocurrency/best-metaverse-platforms )
With Metaverse you can earn a lot of money with good make a decicion.
Battle Infinity:

Our pick for the best Metaverse platform is Battle Infinity. Battle Infiniti is a ‘play to earn’ (P2E) fantasy sports gaming platform with NFT integration.

Another popular entry on our list of the top Metaverse platforms is Decentraland. Decaentraland is a 3D virtual world powered by the Ethereum blockchain where user can interact with others and monetize their created content. In addition, users can purchase plots of virtual land ( called LAND) using MANA- Decentraland’s navite token
The Sandbox:

The Sandbox in one of the best Metaverse real estate projects for 2022. Much like Decnentraland, The Sandbox is a rich 3D world hosted on the Ethereum blockchain where players can interact with others, build in-world structures, and monetize their creativity.

Another new Metaverse platform attracting attension within the market is Illuvium. As defined by Binance Academy, Illuvium is an open-world blockchain game incorporating several RPG elements. In this game, players battel and capture ‘Illuvium’, which can tehn be used to battle other players.

Metahero is a unique Metaverse project and one that differs from many on this list. Instead of a virtual world, the Metahero project offers valuable technology tha allows users to scan real-world object and transition them into the Metaverse.